HBBS:Screens ============ The following subdirectories are used by the system Special User Bulletins Tips: ===== Only actually have system screens (like BBSTitle.TXT, LOGOFF.TXT etc..) in the "Special" subdirectory and have all your screens for stuff like last callers, top uppers, and so in in a seperate directory (I use "misc") and use a screen command from the system screens to display them, this results in a much tidier BBS System and keeps everything in the right place.. Examples ======== In the "Examples" directory you'll find a few nice ANSI screens that, when renamed, can be used in the "Special" directory. Storage ======= In the "storage" directory there is a copy of all the screens that come with the HBBS Package for your reference at a later time. User ==== if you have a file in this directory that's called the same as the user's handle (+ the language extension) (E.G. Hydra.TXT) then it will be displayed when they log on! (Cool Huh?)